Roman walks

1) CARAVAGGIO, ART AND LIFE:Tour on the footsteps of Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, commemorating his art, innovative and dramatic use of lighting, his use of of peasants, beggars and prostitutes as models, but also his adventurous and unconventional life.
Our tour starts in Santa Maria del popolo church, where we will admire two masterpieces by the Artist, located in the Cerasi Chapel: the Conversion of St. Paul and the Crucifixion of St. Peter).
We will continue along via di Ripetta to get an other church, Sant'Agostino, that houses an other Caravaggio's work of art, the Madonna dei Pellegrini, in the Cavalletti Chapel.
Then, we will finish in San Luigi dei Francesi church, where there is the first great religious work by Caravaggio: three canvases whose subject is the life of St. Matthew the Evangelist, in the Contarelli Chapel.
Genious, Art, Myth, undisputed and everlasting Fame, make Caravaggio object of legends and mysteries, contributing to increase his charm over centuries.

2) THE STONE ANIMALS: HISTORY AND LEGEND: We will discover a curious aspect of the roman culture: the animals that populate some of the most important monuments in town.
We will start in the Jewish area, Piazza Mattei, with its pretty “Turtles fountain”; we continue with Piazza Navona and the Fountain of the four Rivers, where the marine world reigns, with its bizarre dolphins, marine horses, tritons...Everything is dominated by the Pamphilj Dove, symbol of the Pontifical power.
We walk toward Sant'Eustachio Church, whose roof is dominated by the head of a deer, among whose long hornes a Cross stands.
Then, we can reach Piazza della Minerva, where a funny small elephant shows its back to the Dominican church Santa Maria sopra Minerva!!
How many other mysteries we will discover walking around the petrified zoo of Rome?

3) BAROQUE ROMA- ITINERARY 1: FROM SPANISH SQUARE TO PIAZZA NAVONA :By a pleasant walk, this itinerary will let you discover the most elegant squares of Rome, the “living rooms” of the City. The tour starts in Spanish Square, one of the most monumental urban scenography of the Roman Baroque architecture! We will admire the famous fountain called “Barcaccia” and we will walk up the Scalinata (Spanish Steps) that leads to the church of Trinità dei Monti.
From here, we continue to Trevi Fountain, probably the most famous and spectacular amoung the fountains in Rome. Then, we will get the scenographic Piazza S. Ignazio, one of the most representative places in the Baroque City, dominated by St. Ignazio's Church, with its “false dome”, an amazing optical illusion!
Our next stage is the Pantheon, the best preseved roman temple, dedicated to many Gods, still in use as a church. Going to our last place to visit, Piazza Navona, we will take a few minutes to visit St. Luigi dei Francesi Church, that keeps three amazing paintings by Caravaggio. Finally, we will stop in Piazza Navona, the so called “lounge” of Rome; here, the masterpieces of the two most representative artists of the Baroque period are located: the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the four Rivers) by Bernini, and the church of St. Agnese in Agone, by Borromini.

4) BAROQUE ROME – ITINERARY 2: FROM PIAZZA DEL POPOLO TO THE QUIRINALE:The area of Rome's downtown, characterized by three large roads – Via del Corso, Via di Ripetta and Via del Babuino – is called “Tridente”: in fact, these three roads start from Piazza del Popolo and open out fan-wise to the centre of the City.
This area is a sort of “open – air museum”, thanks to an extraordinary concentration of works of art! Our walk begins in Piazza del Popolo, dominated by an Egyptian obelisk, and by the church of S. Maria del Popolo, which contains wonderful paintings by Caravaggio, Annibale Carracci and Pinturicchio.
We will continue to Spanish Square, one of the most monumental urban scenography of the Roman Baroque architecture! We will admire the famous fountain called “Barcaccia” and we will walk up the Scalinata (Spanish Steps) that leads to the church of Trinità dei Monti.
From here, we walk to to Trevi Fountain, probably the most famous and spectacular amoung the fountains in Rome.
Then, we will walk uphill to get the Quirinale Plaza, dominated by the Palace that once was a Pope’s residence, then the Savoia’s royal palace, during the Kingdom of Italy, and today the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic.

5) FOUNTAINS OF ROME – ITINERARY 1: FROM THE QUIRINALE TO THE TREVI FOUNTAIN:On our walk, we will admre some of the most spectacular fountains of Rome.
We start in the Quirinale Plaza, dominated by the President of Republic Palace; in the center of it, a beautiful, large fountain is located, the result of several additions and works from different ages and provenance: the two statues representing the mythic twins Castor and Pollux by their horses; an egyptian obelisk; a basin from the Roman Forum.
We continue along via del Quirinale to the corner of the four Fountains, decorated by four statues representing rivers.
Then we walk to Piazza Barberini, whose center is dominated by the Fountain of the Triton by Gianlorenzo Bernini.
Through via Sistina, we get Trinità dei Monti and Spanish Steps, at the bottom of which we meet the unique “Barcaccia”, by Pietro Bernini, taking its name from its same shape of a sinking boat.
We finish our tour at the presence of the outstanding Trevi fountain, certainly the most spectacular in the city of Rome.

6) FOUNTAINS OF ROME – ITINERARY 2: FROM PIAZZA FARNESE TO PIAZZA MATTEI (JEWISH AREA):Our tour starts in Piazza Farnese, dominated by the magnificent Palazzo Farnese, a Renaissance building, started by Antonio da Sangallo, continued by Michelangelo and completed by Giacomo della Porta. The Plaza is embellished by two symmetrical basins, taken from the Caracalla Baths by the Farnese Family during the 1500s and moved here as a decoration in the Plaza. We will proceed to Piazza Navona, where the masterpieces of the two most representative artists of the Baroque period are located: the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the four Rivers) by Bernini, and the church of St. Agnese in Agone, by Borromini. The firts is maybe the most elegant fountain i Rome, dominated by an egyptian obelisk, topped by a dove (symbol of Pope Innocent X Pamphilj who commissioned the work); the obelisk is flanked by four statues representing the four longest rivers in the World, all of them celebrating the Person of the Pope.
We will continue to the Pantheon, the monumental temple built by the emperor Hadrian in honour of many gods; right in front of it, in the center of the square, there is a small fountain designed by Giacomo della Porta, dominated by a short obelysk.
We will finish the tour near the Jewish area, in Piazza Mattei, whose main attraction is a pretty fountain, decorated with ephebes supporting turtles (whence the name “Turtles Fountain”).

7) THE PALACES OF ITALIAN INSTITUTIONS:Our itinerary starts in Piazza del Quirinale, dominated by the Palace that once was the Pope’s residence, then the Savoia’s royal palace, during the Kingdom of Italy, and today the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic.
Then, walking through the Trevi Fountain area, we will get Piazza Colonna, dominated by the Chigi Palace, the official residence of the italian Prime Minister; close by, we get Piazza and Palazzo di Montecitorio, seat of the Chamber of Deputies and Parliament.
In few more minutes, we reach Palazzo Giustiniani, seat of the President of Italian Senate, and Palazzo Madama (nickname for Palazzo Medici), the upper Chamber of Italy, i.e. our Senate.

8) TRASTEVERE, TIBERINA ISLAND AND THE JEWISH QUARTER:Our tour starts in Trastevere, on the west bank of the Tiber, named after its location “beyond the Tiber” (in latin, “trans Tiberim”).
We will walk through the characteristic narrow streets, still keeping a charming medieval atmosphere,and we will stop to visit Santa Maria in Trastevere Church, said to be the oldest church dedicated to the Blessed Mother in Rome; built in the Middle Age, the church is famous for its amazing mosaics by Pietro Cavallini. Your guide will lead you to admire also Ponte Sisto, built by Pope Sisxtus IV in the late 1400s, and the Church of Santa Cecilia, standing on the same place where the Patron saint of music, Cecilia, was martyred.
From here, we will get the Tiberina Island, linked by the city by two roman bridges, the Cestio and Fabricio, both of the built in I cent. BC.
During the Roman Age, the Temple of Aesculapius was located on the island, on the same place where now the Church of San Bartolomeo all'isola stands.
The Island houses one of the oldest hospitals in town, the Fatebenefratelli.
From here, we continue toward the Jewish quarter, known as the Ghetto, where we will commemorate the hostory of one of the anciest Jewish community in Europe, from the Roman Age, through the period of the Counter Reformation, to the tragic events of the Second World War, when, on october 16 1943, more than 2000 people were deported to the Concentration camps.
We will finish admiring the new Synagogue, the Portico di Ottavia and the Marcello Theater.

9) COPPEDE' DISTRICT:This different, interesting itinerary will permit you to know one of the most charming, elegant neighborhood of Rome, named “Dora” or “Coppedè”.
The area is named after the architect Gino Coppedè, who, at the beginning of 1900s, was commissioned to design a new neighbourhood of houses and villas for middle- class families.
The eccentric architect designed fanciful, bizarre shapes, that you can still admire in the Palazzi degli Ambasciatori (Ambassadors Palaces), the Palazzo del Ragno (Spider Palace) e i Villini delle Fate (the Fairies Villas), the Frog Fountain: their theater decorations mix mediaval suggestions with greek babylonians elements, keeping a clear floral imprint, typical of the italian Liberty.

10) THE RIONE CELIO:One of the few neighbourhoods of Rome that still keeps a strong medieval atmosphere.
During our stroll we will meet outstanding monuments belonging to the Pagan and Christian heritage: the Flavian Amphitheater, the Ludus Magnus, the SS. Quattro Coronati Monastery, the remains of the Nero's aqueduct, the Dolabella Arch, the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo....
We will commemorate the old stories and legends related with this area, like the one of the “Lady pope” Giovanna, the family Campana, the feast of the “poor men”...

11) THE AVENTINO HILL:One of the seven historical hills of Rome, at the beginning of the Roman age it became the residence of the Roman plebeians, but, in the Imperial Age, the hill was converted in one of the most important aristocratic neighbourhoods of the city.
Great private residences were located here, together with important public buildings, like the Temples of Diana and Minerva and the Baths of Decius, built in 242.
During the Late Antiquity, beautiful churches were erected on the Hill, like St. Sabina, St. Prisca, St. Saba. You will visit the amazing St. Sabina church, one of the best preserved palaeo - christian churches in town, with its mosaics and the famous V century wooden door, on which the first image of Crucifixion in the History of Christian Art is carved.
We will continue in Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, named after the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of the Knights of Malta; the church of Santa Maria del Priorato, belonging to the Order, is included in a beatiful, closed garden, designed by Giovan Battista Piranesi, together with the church and the Plaza; rarely open to the public, part of the garden can be seen by looking through the keyhole in the door, and, most important of all, a vision of St Peter's dome perfectly in perspective, framed by the tops of trees in the foreground.

12) THE RIONE MONTI:A pleasant walk in the area included between via Cavour and via Nazionale, where, during the roman times, the popular Suburra stretched. The popular appeal survives to the present day, and the result is a complex of narrow streets, medieval buildings, small churches, workshops, giving the visitor the feeling to be in a village, not in he heart of Rome!
We will visit the Madonna dei Monti church, la House of the Rhodi Knights, next the Augustus Forum, and we will talk about a famous inhabitant of the area: the Grillo Marquis!

13) PARK OF AQUEDUCTS:The itinerary allows to discover one of the most evocative green areas in Rome. The park is part of the Appia Antica Suburban Regional Park, placed between the Appio Claudio and Via delle Capannelle districts, and covers about 240 hectares. The area is dominated by the massive walls of some of the seven Roman aqueducts that supplied the ancient and the papal Rome: Anio Vetus, March, Tepula, Iulia and Felice, Claudio and Anio Novus. The house that gaves the name to the whole area of Roma Vecchia and the pond that flows from the Felice acqueduct creating a stream and a little waterfall from the ancient Mariana Water are still existing.

14) TESTACCIO:The Testaccio district, located between the Aventine hill and the left bank of the Tiber, preserves its original popular spirit, the familiar and characteristic zest of the “real Rome” as we use to say; besides here the football team, the Roma, was born. The walk can start with the slaughterhouse, built in 1889, the New Market and through Via Galvani it’s possible to border the “Monte dei Cocci”, which gives the name to the district. A stop in Testaccio’s square to admire the fountain of the amphorae, built in 1869 and recently returned in its original place, then the remains of the Porticus Emilia and finally the Church of St. Mary Liberator.

15) GARBATELLA:Neighborhood built in 1918, is one of the first districts outside the ancient circuit of walls. Starting from Piazza S. Eurosia, our walking tour includes the villas -Lot number 24., the Bar and the elementary school Cesare Battisti, known thanks to the fiction tv “ I Cesaroni” and the church of St. Francis Xavier, where John Paul II, before becoming pope, carried out his work as confessor. Then the Palladium Theatre, originally called Cinema Theatre Garbatella and Piazza Brin, who is the first core of the Garbatella. Finally the famous fountain of Carlotta, better known as the fountain of lovers.

16) EUR:The avenues of the Eur are always a delightful experience that offers a unique encounter with the creativity of some of the leading Italian architects of the first half of the twentieth century such as Marcello Piacentini and Adalberto Libera. The walking tour mostly is outdoors and it involves the Palazzo del Lavoro, the INA and the INPS palaces, the seat of the Eur institution; then the interior of the Palace of Congresses, the church of St. Peter and St Paul and the central archive of the State.

Classical Itineraries

Guida Turistica Roma

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